Christiene Renée

transformational facilitator & spiritual guide

about christiene


We’re in Miraculous Times!

As a Transformational Facilitator & Spiritual Guide, it’s my mission to assist in restoring Wholeness, Integrated Enlightenment, Inspired Living, and Heaven on Earth, for humanity and all of life on this planet.

In my programs, sessions, ceremonies and events, we join in support of your legacy; your sacred sovereignty, service, relationships, health, wealth and creative expression.

While aligning with your true nature and gently moving you forward on your path is the essential foundation…

Clearing core root issues of separation, lack, scarcity, trauma, balancing emotions, shifting obstacles and celebrating the journey of your Soul’s conscious and collective contribution into full embodiment, evolution and ascension is the blessing, and gift!

Together, we bring it all home.

We do this through potent transformations with compassionate coaching, facilitation, devotional ceremony, guided meditations, somatic experiencing, dance, movement, creative expression, art and more.

In pure love, sovereign self-governing, leadership and liberation, may your compassion heal, your peace be, your love is, your joy and abundance plentiful, as it’s truly meant to be!

Love is.
— Source

we are one

As divine human beings.

And each a unique expression.

On this profound evolutionary journey.

You look beyond the veil of form and separation. This is the realization of oneness. This is love.
— Eckhart Tolle

My Path

A highly intuitive 6/2 Generator in Human Design (Manifestor in Cosmic HD), I grew up in Northern California, with childhood trauma and challenges. I gave my power away, was the ‘good girl’ and often excelled and self-sabotaged simultaneously.

With my divine feminine and masculine in disharmony, I didn’t own my true Self or power.

These became gifts in my evolution!

As powerful initiations were sought and provided, I discovered multidimensional tools, modalities, gifts and abilities. A steward of the Earth, it was natural and aligned, so I would come to know who I really am.

With devotion to healing personal, family, ancestral and collective core wounds and fragmentations.

As I change, may I support others in their changes.

As I am empowered, may I empower others.

As I am blessed, may I bless others.

Consciously supporting, holding space, guiding and facilitating others on their own path to wholeness.

In sacred relationships where I’ve walked lifetimes in deep transformative fires of empowerment and the heart. I’m passionately inspired by intimacy on all levels, and help guide singles, couples and groups in their relationship dynamics to connect, thrive and flourish, starting from within.

As well as in ceremony, artistry, creativity, dance and movement, where the Soul knows the way far before science does. It’s a devotional balance, union and ongoing mastery of the feminine and masculine, heaven and earth, all and nothing, and everything in between. An honoring and living of sacred medicine, magic and miracles. Integrating Soul and bringing into fruition the reality that initiates, moves and manifests with the changing of the times.

Your lightbody is the radiance of essence.
— Christiene

Know ThySelf

I’m deeply grateful to have come into a knowing on this life-long journey.

To claim my Sovereignty, birthright, with heart, power and grace.

The love and light we all are!

To remember that our worth is inherent, our power is within, and what we create, is wise to arise from authenticity, alignment, love, peace, wholeness, and an openness to being a masterpiece that’s complete, yet continuing to unfold in one’s own divine timing beyond reincarnation.

To thrive and flourish as Heaven on Earth in this world.

As Light Body Creator Beings.

May all beings know who they truly are, and create in harmony.

How we each receive our wisdom, structure, and path to take is unique, while also holding commonalities, synchronicities, and opportunities on this evolutionary journey.

And often, how much power we’re ready to integrate, own and live in one’s true contribution and service.

When you recognize it’s you who’s stopping you…you’re back in the truth.

In the driver’s seat.

Creating with original light at its depth.

Awake, clear, self- responsible, governing and free!

On my path, intuition, nature, wisdom and physics reveal truths.

Ultimately, Source is what truly fuels and leads the way.

To being, creating and living sacred sovereignty, relationships, health, wealth, creative expression and service.

Peace, love, joy and blessings!

May our paths align if you know you’re here for more. If you recognize your heart and Soul desires to be fully empowered, realized, and lived as divine-Source flourishing and freedom itself.

So grateful, thankful and blessed.

I honor you!

Elegance is a glowing inner peace. Grace is an ability to give as well as to receive and be thankful. Mystery is a hidden laugh always ready to surface!
— C. JoyBell

I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate what you’ve done for me. You were the perfect person, like a miracle, guiding me back to my True Self. Many wonderful things have happened and it’s no accident. You have extraordinary gifts, I see you as my Angel.

/  Gina, co.  /



Bachelors Degree, Psychology
Sonoma State University

New Equations Teacher’s Training certification Program

Coaches Training Institute

graphic design
georgia State University

As Seen On

Global Freedom Convergence
Power Talk Live 1210
Unite Radio
Fox News Radio
Stress to Success Summit
The Tapping Club Series



Certifications | Training

Ordained Minister

certified master compassion key practitioner (in training)

certified compassion key practitioner

Certified Attunement Therapist

Master Certified NLP Practitioner

Certified Hypnotherapist

Expert Emotional Freedom Technique

Access Consciousness Certified Bars Practitioner

Sedona Method Graduate


The Lion and Lamb Project
Living Miracles Metaphysical Center
Challenge Day Associates
DANCE & movement spaces


Wow, what a gift Christiene has been to me! She just has this innate ability to know exactly what energy work is needed, skillfully guiding her clients to higher levels of awareness, clarity and, ultimately, healing.

/  LIZ, NV  /
