Christiene Renée

live the love, joy, peace, abundance you already are!

love & testimonials

How To Make a Ceremonial Cacao Drink — Ally the Earthling.jpeg

Wow, what a gift Christiene has been to me! She just has this innate ability to know exactly what energy work is needed, skillfully guiding her clients to higher levels of awareness, clarity and, ultimately, healing. She has helped me to dig deep and explore my energy in ways I had no idea were possible, while teaching me life-skills to increase my emotional intelligence. Thank you for sharing your gift with me.

/  lis, nv  /


Working with Christiene is like being pampered in pink cotton. Her gentle and smooth feminine presence makes it so easy to be held in the space so the emotions that want to be felt for years finally find a place to be heard and seen. Thank you so so much for your work and support in the most difficult times of my life !!!

/  gabriele maria, germany  /


The session I had with Christiene was nothing short of fantastic. I was pleasantly surprised by how well she was able to decipher where I was emotionally despite the fact that I wasn’t completely forthcoming at the start. Her ability to deeply connect with me in a short period of time was exceptional, and I found myself opening up in ways that I usually don’t. Christiene was very compassionate and patient throughout the process and she gave me the space I needed to feel my feelings and express my vulnerability. Christiene helped me identify and processes some troubling parts of childhood, and I felt tremendous relief after my session as some of the stagnant energy had shifted. I’d strongly recommend her to anyone who’s looking to release pain and suffering using such an incredible tool.

/  ahmad, wa  /


Christiene is such a joy to work with. I am able to completely trust her. She creates a sacred space and always goes above and beyond to be encouraging and supportive. She never pushes past my level of comfort and always makes sure to check in as we move along. I would recommend her to anyone that is looking to heal. It will be one of the best decisions you will ever make!

/  jonathan, PA  /


Christiene gently and intuitively guided me in a session to bring up a deep, wounded aspect that has bothered me all my life. Her experience and knowledge of trauma healing helped me find an entirely different outcome. At one point I wanted to unknowingly veer off of the main theme of the session, but she immediately caught that and didn't let me distract from the theme. This resulted in the immediate resolution of the wound. I feel I got the full attention I needed to clear a deep wound. Thank You, Christiene.

/ r.l., usa  /


Working with Christiene has been phenomenal! Her techniques are so powerfully healing that one session with her seems equivalent to a whole years worth of therapy. I feel so amazingly good and empowered! People around me have said that I am a like a whole new person and that they love what they see!

/  joanna, nv  /


I feel so good today, just filled with the uplift of joy and gratitude, I feel the exact opposite of burn out. Thank you so much. You are absolutely gifted and talented and I’m so glad I have found you.

/  melissa, ut  /


So grateful to receive a session from skilled and compassionate Christiene. She gave me s p a c e to feel, to witness, to transform, to jump timelines to a new paradigm. To dissolve and transform wounds and generational trauma and connect to divinity, magic, miracles and grace. So grateful to you.

/  gigi, australia  /


Having a session with Christiene was for me, a beautiful and gentle experience. She’s very warm, intuitive and present in her approach and holds a grounded space. I highly recommend her services to anyone needing healing support. Thank you!

/  Lynette, australia  /


I'd like to say that was the best session I've ever had. I'm always looking for something more in sessions, more like having someone to be able to recognize or feel my way of learning or understanding and use certain verbage & tools where I can easily access what's coming through and make it tangible in my life and you so did that. It's like fast forwarding, straight to it.

/  theresa, nc  /


Christiene holds a sacred space for me to heal in a way that feels safe, authentic and powerful. She helps me to navigate the issues that have held me back from living the life I was born to live. A life that remembers the reality of who I really am. I am eternally grateful for the gracious way she has walked me through some very challenging situations. My life is certainly better from having worked with Christiene. I can’t recommend her and her work enough.

/  Marta, nv  /


I gained and learned a lot about myself and how certain blocks in my life, thoughts, beliefs, hold me back to reach my highest potential. I am grateful for your love, presence and support always. I am really blessed that I got this opportunity to grow and thrive even more through this wonderful Sacred Magic program and succeed on my journey!

/  jen, nv  /


Christiene is so gifted in her sessions and other modalities she brings through. I gained so much clarity and insight, tracing back to early childhood and realigning, reintegrating and dissolving old paradigms into new possibilities. Thank You so much!

/  niki, australia  /


My session was led with so much peace, so much calmness, and so much openness. I just remember Christiene giving me space to dig deeper, and I felt super comfortable. I was able to go back to a spot in my life, back to 8th grade, where I lost one of my first loves. She really showed caring attention, and it was also joyful. I dumped out a basket of waste, things I didn’t want to hold onto any longer. The reason I was able to let go of those things was because she offered so much peace and space. You offered me joy! The other beautiful thing was that your questions allowed what was supposed to happen, to occur. It was so beautiful. Then on top of it, you graciously offered to help me and that’s exactly what I needed in the moment! Thank you!

/  elmira, tN  /


One of the main things I took away was for the creative expression of songwriting, knowing I can take on a character and become someone else or a different side of me to finish writing a song as lyrics seem to flow. Also I cherish my altar and even when I'm not looking at it I know it's there and has my spirit expressed.

/  jordan, co  /


Before working with you and participating in the Sacred Magic program I was billing about 5 hours a week. As soon as we started I jumped to 10 for the first two weeks. These last two weeks, I have been at 20. I got two new hourly clients and one new retainer. The opening has been fantastic and I'm now going to use it for relationships. So thank you. Lots of great results and not the results I thought I was going for. Much love!

/  diane, nv  /


I see how much my thoughts and beliefs have changed in the program. Christiene’s powerful guidance, workbook, questions, and the initiations really had me taking a look at many aspects of my life. I’ve been freeing myself up to trust myself and relax in the present. It gives me more energy and time to create space for magic to happen! To develop my ability to magnetize ease and flow into all areas of my life. I also loved creating my weekly altars. Great program, thank you so much!

/  avilone, nc  /


Thank you Christiene for an exquisite and heartfelt experience that has truly brought me into a Self beyond what I could ever have imagined.

/  judith, co  /


Ever since you did the healing, I never had another sore throat. You are amazing and I am a true believer. We want to hire you for more sessions!

/  paula, Ca  /


Christiene is a master facilitator. She intuitively knew how to meet both the group and individual needs. I have gone to several cacao ceremonies where I didn't get much out of it other than a shared experience. This was the first time that I felt the magic of cacao and could feel it work energetically in my body. I will be back!

/  matt, Co  /


So grateful for the time spent in ceremony in such a powerfully held space, Christiene! I came away feeling uplifted and shifted!

/  avilone, nc  /


I love how expansive I feel, and the sweet energy of everyone tonight. Christiene, it was truly magical! Thank you!

/  Shawna, ca  /


Just wanted to let you know that since our last gathering, I have been going in depth about the power of asking the right questions. In that ceremony, I learned further how asking the right question really is an amazing way of getting to know myself better; "Who do I want to be?” and unblocking the road blocks to the empowered version of me, without self-limiting beliefs and fears. Thank you Christiene!  It feels really empowering and can't wait to attend the next event. :)

/  jennifer, nv  /


Christiene, thanks so  much for last night. It seemed like it was just for me. From this day forth I will express myself! And, I won't forget "I am the creator." This is my movie and I am the director,  producer, and actor. I am so grateful I met you.

/  kelly, co  /


Such a wonder-filled night with a big aha moment for me, led impeccably and lovingly by you, Christiene! Thank you, thank you!

/  fiona, nm  /


So much gratitude for the space you curate and hold, Christiene!! It was one of the most impactful online experiences I have had yet. It was almost as if we were in person! The insights that came through were and are in such alignment for me and the clarity that was brought forth throughout the ceremony and in your reflections/channeling at the end. I love you!! and look forward to playing in this space again soon!!

/  joshua, co  /


I am grateful. Friday’s ceremony provided such richness and was a potent opportunity for insights.

/  brian, mexico  /


Christiene, thank you. Wow. The moment the cacao was passed into the circle the entire energy in the room shifted. It was already very connected, but it dropped so much deeper and sweeter. Thank You. So much. For preparing beautiful medicine filled with love for us.

/  ann, co  /


Christiene is an amazing facilitator, space holder, and just freaking awesome human being and her cacao ceremonies are a mix of fun with potent lessons and transformative downloads.

/  logan, co  /


I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate what you've done for me. You were the absolute perfect person, in the perfect place, at the perfect time. Like a miracle, guiding me back to my True Self. Many wonderful things have happened in my life since we last met, and I know it's no accident. You're an extraordinary woman, Christiene, with extraordinary gifts. I see you as "my Angel" and feel so very blessed to know you.

/  gina, co  /


Thank you, thank you, thank you! Exquisite evening. Another powerful, profound, expanding, exquisite journey with cacao this evening! THANK YOU, Christiene.

/  rhonda, nv  /


The strengthening you did with me that last meeting was really effective! I've not smoked at all since then and it has been an easy habit to break so far. Thank you!

/  karen, nv  /


I am so grateful to Christiene and for the help she's given me. Through our sessions I have experienced many shifts in my thinking and in the way I perceive my world. Her insights and intuition have amazed me. Christiene is a gifted coach and mentor. She's taught me many tools to help myself with stress including EFT (Tapping). Thank you Christiene. You are a gift and an inspiration to me.

/  becky, nv  /


You'll be happy to hear I'm doing very well, writing every morning, either a journal entry or a short poem, sometimes both.  Also, sleeping well and just plain happy. If I shake now, it's because I'm SO excited about my new life, my true life. Having those recordings of our last 3 sessions is a life-saver too, especially the last one. I listen to it often...

/  ginny, nv  /


When I first started working with Christiene I was craving balance in my life. My life had become very chaotic. The first big insight I got out of our working together was that I was the one allowing it. Over a six week period we worked on energetically aligning myself with me. Within the first couple of weeks the things that I had been longing for started to show up. Working with Christiene was like going to an oasis in the desert. It refreshed, inspired, and replenished me.

/  carolin, ca  /


My sessions with Christiene have been more powerful and transformative than any workshop, spiritual retreat, or therapy I've experienced. Each session with her has resulted in awakenings that seem to continually unfold for me.

/  christina, ca  /


I attended your circle several nights ago and wanted to thank you, Christiene, for such a powerful experience. At the end of the evening, I was reminded of my inherent worth. It must have landed deeply for me because I’m happy to say that I’ve received quite a bit of extra income that I wasn’t expecting for the work that I do.

/  gracie, ny  /


With Christiene's guidance, I was amazed at how she was able to trigger my unconscious, immediate key issues. What I wanted in my life as a woman quickly surfaced, and I was able to let go of old, limiting beliefs.

/  jenny, ca  /


That was quite a session! I loved it and can't thank you enough. You are an amazing woman! I really felt connected. I'm feeling more at peace with my husband's surgery tomorrow and feel I have more tools to work with. I've been reading my intention everyday and breathing into it! It really feels wonderful. I feel very positive about this work, in particular with you. Your intuition is "amazing" and I would love to do another session with you.

/  barbara, ca  /


I wanted to let you know what a miracle occurred yesterday morning. "Kevin" woke up and came to the table for breakfast and looked physically different. Clearly the energy of all the children had shifted. I was also able to give him exactly what he needed because of the insight you had. My husband and I are amazed at how effective this session was. Thank you for the gift you have brought to our lives and world.

/  isabella, nv  /


I learned following the voice workshop that while it is important to use my voice, it is just as important to allow others the freedom of using their own voice. Just this evening, I sat down with husband and daughter and spoke my truth…lots of “I” messages, I encouraged them to use THEIR voices too and I realized I have to allow their relationship to evolve in its own way. LOVE is at the heart of all of it.

/  lightfeather, nv  /


I would like to express the blessings I received by attending your event on Saturday. Father-Mother-Creator has provided you with incredible talent and insight. I thank you for the many gifts I received by attending your class. I will continue the lessons I learned and integrate them into the Spiritual work I do each day. Thank You. I Love You.

/  sherrie, nv  /


I feel so much lighter after this last session. There was a great deal of stuck energy in old patterns! Thank you so very much for being of service to us all – for I know as I become more integrated, the world becomes a lighter place to be.

/  kim, nv  /


So crazy, but I seriously just had this sense of peace wash over me about an hour ago when dining out. It felt amazing and I haven't felt like that for awhile. Thank you!

/  kellie, nv  /